Frequently Asked Questions

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This is the Short Answer for this FAQ

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This is the eng answer for this FAQ roin quis massa suscipit, euismod nisi ut, tempus diam. Integer augue leo, accumsan a accumsan vitae, viverra a quam. Nulla gravida iaculis libero nec faucibus. Donec eu suscipit metus. Fusce tincidunt ex at imperdiet porttitor.

Suspendisse dictum, eros in pretium molestie, erat lacus fermentum orci, dapibus dapibus urna nibh et odio. Aliquam bibendum magna eu lacus imperdiet semper. In gravida pellentesque turpis, quis faucibus ligula vestibulum in. Nam imperdiet congue tempus. Quisque quam ante, bibendum commodo tincidunt vulputate, ultrices id dolor. Quisque et odio nulla.

Suspendisse at mi eu lacus pretium posuere vel eget mauris. Mauris in finibus diam. Morbi gravida rhoncus dui at mattis. In tempor semper nibh et rutrum.

generic embed again

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Yes it is

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Short answer

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asdfasdf asdf sadf adsf dasf asdf sadf asdf sadf adsf sdf ads


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This is the long answer - we have content here AND in the Description field. Need both?

Short answer for vimeo

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Scott, I noticed you didn't do a straight embed - you added their code to make responsive. We'll have to be sure to do that everytime, or it will render funny.

This short answer for image object

This is the ALT text
NCCIE Website
Nccie website annotation
This long answer for image object

The Generic Male DJs Happy Hour

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Yup - good retro tunes to code to. 

This is using a "generic embed" selection. If it doesn't appear in the drop down, can always try here and see if it works.

Murder by Death

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As Long as There Is Whiskey in the World

I've been down on my luck
Been down too long this time
I've drank em to the bottom
Til I found myself there too

And the taste of defeat
Had never been so sweet
So I poured another glass
Failed again and again

I've been down
And I've been higher then Sears Tower
I asked the higher powers
If they could just spare a drink
Did they answer my cries?
I wish they did theyre preoccupied
I toasted them boasted to them
That they had met their match

But as long as there is whiskey in the world
We can drink away the heartache
We can drink away the girls
Oh we long to love but we never touch
As long as there is whiskey in the world

I have loved
But I've lost all that they gave me
They all try to save me
But I'm seeing this thing through
And these feelings of remorse
They leave me no recourse
So I pour another glass
Fail again and again

But as long as there is whiskey in the world
We can drink away the heartache
We can drink away the girls
Oh we long to love but we never touch
As long as there is whiskey in the world

I don't want to be saved

As long as there is whiskey in the world
As long as there is whiskey in the world
As long as there is whiskey
As long as there is whiskey
As long as there is whiskey in the world

YouTube short Answer

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asdf asf sadf asdf adsf

ANother faq group

 This is FAQ Group Number 2

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce suscipit ipsum a enim sagittis volutpat. Quisque quis nisi a ante suscipit mollis. Donec quis ex ac risus ornare sodales. Sed feugiat justo ipsum, quis semper ex consectetur eu. Mauris sollicitudin est ipsum, eget suscipit lorem finibus congue. Nulla porta, nunc quis accumsan vestibulum, nulla metus luctus urna, eget sollicitudin enim neque a sapien. Nam lectus neque, suscipit eu risus scelerisque, pellentesque imperdiet lectus. Quisque consequat eget metus pulvinar molestie. Nulla in placerat ante. Nulla vel ante a lorem finibus hendrerit a a nulla. Mauris sagittis enim ligula, nec pharetra leo finibus et. Cras at consequat erat. Sed lacus lorem, hendrerit ac vulputate vel, maximus quis magna. Duis egestas ex nec maximus viverra. Nam quis porta augue. Integer blandit mollis mi quis vestibulum. Cras hendrerit malesuada erat, quis tincidunt nisi venenatis sit amet. Sed aliquam elit dui, eu congue nisl venenatis vel. Nam faucibus sapien nec elementum malesuada. Ut id sem vel metus laoreet mollis. Quisque a eros purus. Sed et enim imperdiet, molestie lacus et, condimentum enim. Pellentesque mattis tellus eros, id luctus lectus pretium eget. Fusce condimentum dapibus tellus quis egestas. Vivamus tortor felis, semper in est vel, tristique varius sapien. Donec sit amet ligula elit. Praesent semper at quam a feugiat. Curabitur eleifend cursus tellus a laoreet. Nam lectus ex, hendrerit sed nulla vitae, ullamcorper mattis nulla. Praesent tristique, arcu nec commodo blandit, arcu felis pellentesque neque, vitae fringilla mauris eros ac sapien. Morbi auctor lobortis nisl, eu pellentesque enim iaculis sit amet.


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There are two


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It sure is.

Last Updated: January 01, 1